Cultural Analytics
using interactive visualization and data analysis for research, teaching and presentation of cultural dynamics and artifacts
About Cultural Analytics | what it is
Cultural Analytics on 215 megapixel HIPerSpace | how we do it
projects 2009-2010
(currently being updated):
Manga.viz: | one million manga pages
Science.viz: | Science and Popular Science magazines, 1872-1922
Anna_Karenina.viz: | Tolstoy's Anna Karenina
freakangels.viz: | temporal patterns in a web comic
Google.viz: | design variations in Google logos, 1998-2009
KingdomHearts.viz: | visualizing 100 hours of Kingdom Hearts gameplay
Timeline.viz: | changes in communication strategies and content in Time magazine, 1923—2009
MondrianRothko.viz | comparing artistic development of Piet Mondrian and Mark Rothko
Vertov.viz | Films by Dziga Vertov
projects 2008-2009:
macro.viz: | visualizing art, industry, territory and global economy in Brazil
ArtDiaspora.viz | Korean modern art diaspora in a global world
ArtHistory.viz | development of modern art, 1848-1917
BettyBoop.viz | Betty Boop cartoons
FilmHistory.viz | 1100+ feature films, 1904-2008
MotionGraphics.viz | motion graphics and graphics design
What color is Slumdog Millionaire? | how to characterize dominants colors in feature films
UCSDD student projects 2008-2009:
N^3 Report | mapping 28 years of TV news
Art Objects as Data Points | 200,000 images in UCSD art library
MySpace.viz | tracking visual conversations in social networks
theory, context, methods:
Cultural Analytics history | development of the ideas for computational analysis of large-scale cultural data sets
Cultural Patterns Recognition, or Seeing Through Images | using image processing and computer vision for content analysis of visual and media cultures
Surface is the New Depth | multiple coordinated views for cultural visualization
NURBS theory | conceptualizing cultural processes: from timelines and boxes to curves, surfaces, fields
software tools (partial list):
Cultural Analytics Research Environment | real-time visualization on a 215 megapixel display
PowerWall Presenter | using gigapixel displays for humanities and social science research and teaching
Visual Analysis Toolkit | a set of software tools for automatic analysis of images and video
Game Studies
new tools and methods for studying video games
Re:Game Libratory | a research lab / library for platform studies of video game consoles
GamePlotBranching | tracing variations in gameplay experiences of "Knights of the Old Republic"
PlayDVR | networked hardware for capturing gameplay on game platforms (from Atari 2600 to Playstation 3)
PlayPower | 8-bit learning games for radically affordable computers
VideoGamePlay.viz | graphing temporal patterns in game play
SculptingTime.viz | temporal structures in structured video
Catch and Release | identifying the dynamics of uncanny experience in "Fatal Frame 2"
books, articles, workshops
CommentPress 1.4.1 | extention to a blogging software which allows for commenting on individual paragraphs
"Software Studies" book series | MIT Press book series
Lev Manovich: Software Takes Command | new book draft, 11/2008
SoftWhere 2008 | international workshop in Software Studies at UCSD, May 21-22, 2002