Calit2 Auditorium / Dec 3 / 4:10-4:25pm
Analyzing patterns in media content with supercomputers and supervisualization
Cultural Analytics is a new methodology for media research which takes
advantage of the next generation cyberinfratsrutcure tools being
developed at Calit2. We use digital image analysis and interactive
visualization to explore patterns across large sets of images and
video - including films, animations, video games, comics, print
publications, web sites, and other media content. The talk will
highlight our current work with 1,000,0000 manga images
to analyze the relations between visual style, genre, and audience segments.
More information:
Exploring one million manga images on 287 megapixel HIPerSpace on supervisualization system at Calit2, San Diego.
This photo: Jeremy Douglass (Post-doctoral researcher, Software Studies Initiative) and Florian Wiencek (Jacobs-University, Bremen)