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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lev Manovich's presentation at Wolfram Data Summit 2011

Lev Manovich will speak right after the opening talk by Stephen Wolfram, President & CEO, Wolfram Research & Wolfram|Alpha

title: How to Compare One Million Images? Visualizing Patterns in Art, Games, Comics, Photography, Cinema, Animation, Web, and Print Media

Conference program

From http://blog.wolframalpha.com/2011/06/16/wolfram-data-summit-2011/

"The early development of Wolfram|Alpha showed us that people from diverse domains of knowledge—chemistry, finance, medicine, economics, and many others—were wrestling with many of the same issues: data aggregation and curation, crowd-sourcing, data ontologies, privacy, and more. In 2010, we decided that the leaders of this global data community could benefit from a new forum to share ideas, innovations, and insights into the modern business (and science) of data. And so the Wolfram Data Summit was born, bringing together an elite group of data luminaries for an unprecedented, multidisciplinary conference."