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Browse News Archive

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Guide to visualizing image and video collections

Guide to visualizing image and video collections

The guide describes the techniques used in our Software Studies Lab to explore large image and video sets.

Like our previously released ImagePlot software, these techniques use free ImageJ digital image analysis application with our custom macros.

The guide covers the following operations (software used is in brackets):

- Download and setup free ImageJ software used to prepare images and video for visualizations, and create visualizations.
- Automatically detect shots in a video (shotdetect).
- Output video as a sequence of frames (ImageJ).
- Automatically scale all images in a folder (ImageJ).
- Create "montage" and "slice" visualizations (ImageJ).
- Create "montage" and "slice" visualizations with diff. size images located in multiple folders (ImageMontage, ImageSlice).
- Use Unix commands to create a data file containing file paths to images located in multiple folders (Unix).