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Browse News Archive

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Computational Folkloristics

A new article from Tim Tangherlini and his UCLA colleagues:

Computational Folkloristics
By James Abello, Peter Broadwell, Timothy R. Tangherlini
Communications of the ACM, Vol. 55 No. 7, Pages 60-70.

Tim Tangherlini organized the most amazing workshop I ever attended: Networks and Network Analysis for the Humanities (An NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities). Every day we had three lectures from leading experts in network analysis from the academy and also companies such as YouTube, plus hands-on software training. Being able to have lunch with leading people form computer science (who are normally very hard to access) and discuss your project with them was a really unique opportunity. Tim rocks! (Which is more than a metaphor because he really does - in 2002 he produced a documentary "Our Nation. A Korean Punk Rock Community.") His new article is must to read.