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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Software Studies Initiative in Brazil @ FILE Labo

Software Studies Initiative is supporting a Research Group that will be based in São Paulo, Brazil @ the FILE Labo.

FILE - Festival International of Electronic Language has a long-standing commitment in publicize, disseminate, decentralize and qualify the fields of visual arts, electronic literature, games and performance related to the areas of technology, new media and software studies. With remarkable efforts along years, and through the contribution of a myriad of partners, FILE has been able to contribute, more and more, to the consolidation of this new way of making and thinking art through the new mediums offered by technology.

The mission of FILE Labo is the development, research and experimentation of multidisciplinary works in the fields of new media. It offers an environment of multidisciplinary researches and creators in a platform of free collaboration among national and international artists, programmers, scientists and researchers. FILE Labo's infrastructure was designed to hold projects in Art & Technology using the most different tools: augmented reality, interactive installation, sound installations, video performance, experimental robotics, urban interventions, and more.
FILE-Labo has as its aim the cultural and technological swapping, through residencies and interchanges among National and Internacional communities, inserting its production into a globalized context of research and development, compatible with the techno-contemporary mentality.

Software Studies Group in São Paulo
We will have a special opening for the Group in São Paulo during the FILE Symposium, in August and we will post the schedule of the monthly meetings and lectures that we are planning for the Group.

We will also start two research projects in Brazil, one about the Open Source movement in Brazil and the other one about the impact of Creative Commons project in the Brazilian culture.

Come back soon!