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Browse News Archive

November 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

Cultural Analytics seminar @Calit2: Software Studies, Calit2 +UCSD and University of Bergen, Dec 16-17, 2009

what: cultural analytics is the use of data analysis and visualization for the study of cultural dynamics, flows, and patterns. More info

who: participants from Software studies Initiative, Calit2 (San Diego); Visual Arts Department, UCSD (San Diego); University of Bergen (Norway); Anyang University (Korea) , Mackenzie University (Sao Paulo)

where: the seminar will take place in San Diego on UCSD campus in Calit2 building.

when: December 16-17, 2009

Schedule (subject to change):

WED | DECEMBER 16, 2009
location: CALIT2 (Atkinson Hall building)

1pm-2pm: cultural analytics methods and techniques (Lev Manovich) (Calit2 conference room: 2006)
2pm - 2:30pm: HIPerSpace demo - visualization of cultural datasets (Calit2, second floor) (So Yamaoka, Manovich)
2:30pm-3:30pm: CRCA/Calit2 digital media labs tour by Todd Margolis
3:30pm-4:30pm: UCSD graduate students: Tara Zepel (via Skype), William Huber, Daniel Rehn (Calit2 conference room: 3006)
4:30pm - 6pm: software tools for cultural analytics (Manovich) (Calit2 conference room: 3006)

TH | DECEMBER 17, 2009
location: CALIT2 (Atkinson Hall building)

1pm - 1:15pm:Benjamin Bratton, UCSD+Calit2) (Calit2 conference room: 2006)
1:15pm - 2:00pm: University of Bergen grad students presentations (Calit2 conference room: 2006)
2pm -2:20pm: Kael Greco: Mapping++ (Center for Urban Ecology, Anyang University, Korea) (Calit2 conference room: 2006)
2:2:20 - 2:40pm: Eduardo Navas, UCSD (Calit2 conference room: 2006)
2:40pm - 3:00pm - 3:30pm: Jeremy Douglass (Software Studies Initiative, Calit2) (Calit2 conference room: 2006)
3:00pm - 4pm: HIPerSpace demo - visualization of cultural datasets (Jeremy Douglass, Cicero Inacio da Silva, Chanda Laine, So Yamaoka) (Calit2, second floor)
4:15pm - 6:00pm: University of Bergen grad students presentations continued (Calit2 conference room: 2004)

Take a look at the video streamed live from the seminar:

Monday, November 23, 2009

2 new powerpoints about Cultural Analytics and Software Studies

Two new Powerpoint files about Cultural Analytics and Software Studies by Lev Manovich are now available:

Cultural Visualization Techniques (l0/2009). [key 10.3 MB]. [ppt 1.1 MB]

Learning from Software (11/2009). [key 1 MB]. [ppt 500 KB]

Saturday, November 7, 2009

AUD $3,003,401 grant to support Cultural Analytics research

Australian Research Council has awarded the grant for AUD $3,003,401 to an international group of researchers which includes Director of Software Studies Initiative Lev Manovich.

The project investigates the navigation, editing and recombination of large-scale media bases in interactive environments for industrial application in the artistic and cultural sectors. For its industrial application it will develop a prototype for the digital presentation of ZKM's seminal new media archive and museum collection and for Museum Victoria's cultural heritage collection.

Project period: 2010-2012.

Project Chief Investigators and Partner Investigators:

Professor Jeffrey Shaw (CI)
Director, iCinema Centre, UNSW

Associate Professor Dennis Del Favero (CI)
Chair, iCinema Centre, UNSW

Emeritus Professor Neil Brown (CI)
Honorary Professorial Fellow and Co-Director, iCinema Centre, UNSW

Professor Paul Compton (CI)
Head, School of Computer Science and Engineering, UNSW

Ms Sarah Kenderdine (PI)
Special Projects, Information Multimedia and Technology, Museum Victoria

Mr Timothy Hart (PI)
Director, Information Multimedia Technology, Museum Victoria

Professor Lev Manovich (PI)
Visual Arts Department, University of California, San Diego (UCSD)

Professor Peter Weibel (PI)
Chairman and CEO, ZKM Centre for Art and Media, Karlsruhe

Professor Horus Ip (PI)
Chair Professor of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong

Emeritus Professor Lewis Lancaster (PI)
Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures UC Berkley,

Industry Partners
Museum Victoria, ZKM Centre for Art and Media, Australia Council for the Arts

Cultural Analytics @ Society of the Query conference in Amsterdam

Lev Manovich wil lecture on Cultural Analytics at Society of the Query conference organized by Institute of Network Cultures in Amsterdam on November 13-14, 2009:


details of the presentation:


abstract: Can we translate the principles of search engine algorithms and large scale data analysis in general into a new methodology for cultural theory? In my talk I will discuss what such a methodology would look like, and also demonstrate practical examples drawn from Cultural Analytics research conducted in the Software Studies Lab at the University of California, San Diego.