Workshop on Social Media Visualization (SocMedVis)
at the International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
4th June 2012, Dublin, Ireland
Social media study and analysis brings researchers from many fields into
a single setting. Even though the tasks of these researchers are varied,
data visualization and analytics plays an important role. For industry
and academics alike, visualization of social media data helps with
hypothesis formation and supports the explanation of phenomena.
The Workshop on Social Media Visualization (SocMedVis) will be held in
conjunction with the International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social
Media (ICWSM'12)
workshop is a venue for presentation of research and applications of
visualization of social media data.
The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers and industry
practitioners interested in visual and interactive techniques for social
media analysis to discuss their potential application to the social
sciences, humanities, and industry. We solicit contributions that
discuss novel techniques and applications of visualization and visual
analytics approaches to social media data sources.
Important Dates
* Paper Submission Deadline: 2nd March 2012
* Notification: 16th March 2012
* Paper Camera-Ready Deadline: 2nd April 2012
* Early registration for ICWSM'12: 6th April 2012
* Workshop: 4th June 2012
We invite research, application, and position papers on the topic of
visualization and social media. Topics of interest include but are not
limited to:
* Visual Analysis of Evolving Social Media Data
* Interactive Techniques for Sentiment Analysis and Brand Perception
* Visualization of Memes and Trends in Social Media
* Visualization of Social Media for Media Studies
* Social Media in Social Sciences and Humanities
* Data Mining and Machine Learning in Social Media
* Visual Analytics of Social Media in Industry
* Formal Evaluation Techniques in Social Media
* Systems and Languages for Social Media Analytics
* Methodologies and Processes for Social Media Analysis
* Collaborative Analysis of Text Corpora
* Real-Time Visualization of Social Media Data
* Visualization and Visual Text Analytics in Social Media
* Visualization and Visual Analytics of Social Media Networks
* Studies of Analytic Work on Social Media
* Representations of Uncertainty in Text Analytics
Papers are limited to 4 pages in length and should have a visualization
or visual analytics component to them. Papers must be formatted
according to AAAI guidelines
Papers in PDF format must be submitted using EasyChair
2012. A subset of the accepted papers will be invited for oral
presentation at the workshop. All other accepted papers will be
presented as posters during the poster session or interactive demo session.
The program will also include a madness session at the beginning of the
workshop to allow anyone attending the workshop to briefly introduce
themselves, their work, and state their positions and goals related to
the scope of the workshop. If you are planning to attend the workshop
you are welcome to send an email to conference organizers to ensure a
slot in the madness session by 2nd April 2012.
We also plan to host a panel of researchers in social sciences and
humanities and industrial researchers of varied perspectives on the
application of visualization to academic disciplines and industry where
visualization is needed to understand social media data.
For more information please visit the workshop web page at